A model for healing & development

to empower individuals in work & life.

Logosynthesis Day was held January 11, 2024. A list of presentations is highlighted below.

This event has passed. Click here to watch recordings of the Event on our YouTube Channel.

Discover how Logosynthesis, an integrative model, is addressing challenges & transforming the fields of healing & development!

Professionals trained in this model prefer it for overall results, speed of work, ease of use, client comfort & targets the issue.*
Experience what this model can offer you personally & professionally, as a coach, counsellor or therapist.

January 11, 2024 | 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm CET

Live, online conference via Zoom (English)

Registration is free.

If you can't attend the live event on January 11th, you can still register to receive the link to recordings when available.

You will be invited to make a donation to a NEW Research Institute to be announced at the event.

Note: For any registration questions, contact Cathy at info@thehealthylivingplan.com

The conference is open to anyone interested in learning more about the model.

Check your time zone here

Conference Agenda

Logosynthesis Day 2024


17:00-17:15: Welcome & Introductions

17:15-17:45 Topic Presentations Group 1 (Breakout Rooms)

17:45-18:15 New Book Presentation: 'Shaping Reality: Logosynthesis and the Courage to Create'

18:15-18:45 Topic Presentations Group 2 (Breakout Rooms)

18:45-18:55 Break

18:55-19:00 Message from LIA President

19:00-19:30 Topic Presentations Group 3 (Breakout Rooms)

19:30-19:40 Announcements

19:40-19:45 Closing Remarks

19:45-20:00 Social Time in Breakout Rooms of Language of Choice

17:00 CET - 17:15 CET 
Welcome & Introductions -
with your hosts Monika Koller Schinca, Giulia Bavagnoli, Virna Trivellato & Cathy Caswell

17:15 CET - 17:45 CET  

(You will choose 1 of 5 concurrent sessions)

Breakout #1: Anger & Fear

Understanding and Releasing Explosive Anger with Logosynthesis.

Kristin Holthuis

This presentation will focus on different ways to feel and express anger, and different ways it can get stuck in your system ... (The four possible directions and expressions of anger) It will include some examples how Logosynthesis has been successful with children and adults. If time allows, a group exercise might be included to use Logosynthesis to address an issue that causes anger and frustration towards a person or group, so every person can have a personal experience.

Kristin Holthuis specializes in family and community medicine. Her holistic approach integrates various energy psychology modalities into her practice. She facilitates comprehensive self-care programs within institutions and organizations serving vulnerable populations, while also providing professional attention to individuals and groups affected by trauma.

Kristin offers professional training and certification in a range of Energy Psychology modalities. She is a Logosynthesis Practitioner & Instructor, along with additional recognized certifications.

Breakout #2: Self-Confidence

How can I get more self-confidence?

Sonja Zanini

Do you know those voices telling you, that you are not ok? Let's have a look what is holding you back to accept yourself as you are. We will apply Logosynthesis on your topic and you will experience how energy flows

Sonja Zanini

Sonja Zanini is a Master Practitioner, Instructor, Supervisor and Mentor in Logosynthesis, training in and working with the model for over ten years. She applies Logosynthesis in her daily life and with her clients as a counselor and coach.

Breakout #3: Forgiveness
Foundations of Forgiveness with Logosynthesis.

Dr. Lori Hops

Learn how to approach forgiveness using Logosynthesis, regardless of how recent or old the event causing injury or harm. You will be taught the basic foundations for stages of change with forgiveness. This session will offer a case example using Logosynthesis and forgiveness.

Lori Hops

Lori Chortkoff Hops, PhD, DCEP is a licensed psychologist, and a Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis. She is past president of ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) and shares her passion and expertise as a writer and podcast host.
www.drlorihops.com and www.hopshealingtips.com.

Breakout #4: School & Studies

Logosynthesis in school & learning support.

Karsten Blauel & Mathias Egger

This presentation will cover the topics of: blockages in school and studies; establishing contact with pupils and students and the application of Logosynthesis to dissolve blockages and fears. Real-life case examples will be provided.

Karsten Blauel

Karsten Blauel is a Trainer in Logosynthesis and the Director of the Institut für Logosynthese Köln. As a Systemic Coach and a Vocational School teacher, he regularly works with students to relieve pressure and enhance performance in school and studies. Karsten has co-authored two books with Mathias Egger.


Mathias Egger is a Trainer and Supervisor in Logosynthesis. His path took him through psychology and comprehensive psychotherapeutic training. These form the basis for his advisory and therapeutic work. 


He discovered Logosynthesis offers an effective system with an energy-psychological foundation. He uses Logosynthesis for his own professional development and personal growth and with clients. 

“Why make it difficult when you can do it easily?” Mathias has co-authored two books with Karsten Blauel.

Breakout #5: Body Symptoms

Resolving distressing body symptoms using Logosynthesis.

Ulrike Scheuermann

In this presentation, you will apply Logosynthesis to a body symptom that is bothering you at the moment or in the long term. Body symptoms can include pain, skin rash, itching, shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea or dizziness.  In this case, we address the body symptom as a trigger and not as a reaction to a trigger and resolve your reactions so that you are less stressed by the symptom and can experience it in a more relaxed way. This allows you to focus your attention on other things again and frees up energy for your body's healing process.

From this experience, you can immediately use Logosynthesis for self-coaching at home to relieve suffering. You will also work with a specific personal note-taking strategy to approach the topic and integrate it afterwards. There will be opportunity to discuss your experiences, thoughts and questions.

Psychologist Ulrike Scheuermann studied medicine and psychology and has been working as a coach, trainer and teacher for 27 years. 
She has published 12 books on psychological topics.

As a Master Practitioner, Supervisor, Mentor and Trainer in Logosynthesis, she teaches the entire „Practitioner in Logosynthesis®“-Training in Germany, Berlin and online. Ulrike also offers other programs with Logosynythesis to live more emotionally balanced, healthy, happy and connected.

17:45 CET - 18:15 CET  
State of the Art Keynote Presentation

Shaping Reality: Logosynthesis & The Courage To Create

Dr. Willem Lammers

This presentation will launch a new book Shaping Reality: Logosynthesis and the Courage to Create.
The book is written by Willem Lammers and Raya Williams and it will invite you to:
-find your mission in life
-explore your environment
-access the potential of your life force
-and to find out how to activate this potential in the service of your life task.
You will learn to use the power of words with new techniques to access the power of your life force. And this provides you with the courage to create!

The presentation highlights five types of courage and overviews the book into three parts:

1.Discover your mission
3.The Move On Program

Don't miss this opportunity to hear directly from the authors so that you can realize the potential of this new book in supporting your courage to create!

Willem Lammers is the founder of Logosynthesis. With a 40+ year career as clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and trainer, he created this psychotherapeutic and coaching model to offer professionals in guided change an enhanced approach to healing and development and to empower individuals in their health and wellbeing. Willem has authored eight books about Logosynthesis to provide readers with a deeper appreciation for the scope and depth of transformation that is possible when working with this model.

18:05 CET - 18:15 CET  

Transition to Breakout Rooms

18:15 CET - 18:45 CET  

(You will choose 1 of 5 concurrent sessions)

Breakout #6: Teens

Logosynthesis for Teens and Young Adults

Myriam Nordemann & Allen O'Donoghue

In this session, you will be introduced to strategies to use Logosynthesis when working with teens and adolescents. Myriam and Allen will introduce their new workbook designed specifically for teens to resolve stress and anxiety in their everyday lives.


Myriam Nordemann is parental counsellor and coach and her mission is happiness. As a Master Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis, she guides individuals to resolve issues from their past to be more present and move forward with purpose and passion.


Allen O'Donoghue is an LBCAI accredited professional coach, trainer and facilitator with over 20 years of experience in youth and family development. With qualifications in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy, Social Science and Logosynthesis, Allen’s specialist knowledge and understanding of family dynamics has supported hundreds of young people and adults in setting and achieving their personal goals.

This experience has brought Allen to become a highly regarded speaker on family coaching, appearing regularly on radio and television and presenting at international events.

Breakout #7: Animals

Mustang Mapping: Logosynthesis with Animals

Dörte Möller

When working with horses it is all about energy. They react purely and instantly to the energy with which you approach them. If you are stressed, they are too. If you feel anxiety, they do too. And then there are traumatized horses that suffer due to former abuse.

So, in in this presentation you will learn about how and why I got the idea to try Logosynthesis with my (traumatized) Mustang, how it worked and why Logosynthesis works with animals. You will be offered ideas on what topics can be addressed and which Logosynthesis protocols are good to use with your own animals..

Dorte Moller

Dörte Möller is a Mustang owner, lives with two cats and has always been especially connected to animals. As a Master Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis, she is intrigued about what is possible when working with the energy of animals as well as about the question how different energy-systems (souls) can be linked when there are no words available. As a Coach, Organizational Development Professional with an MSc. in Environmental Sciences, she has a broad range of knowledge and expertise to draw on..

Breakout #8: Cancer

How Logosynthesis can support people on their healing journey after a cancer diagnosis.
Jannie Douma & Alan Rojas-Yacolca

In this workshop we will explore where life energy can become blocked during the healing journey after a cancer diagnosis. And how to use Logosynthesis to change the energy. Most people are very anxious after a diagnosis. If there is less anxiety after a cancer diagnosis by using the Logosynthesis model, you will have more energy for the healing journey. 

Health is not just recovering on a physical level. You also get the opportunity to heal on an emotional, social and spiritual level. Cancer Opportunities is written for you to have as much self-direction as possible in this situation.

Jannie Douma
is a psychosocial therapist from the Netherlands. In 2020 she received a cancer diagnosis. She wrote a book for people in the same situation: Cancer Opportunities. The book is full of tips on how to support your own healing process, including self-coaching with Logosynthesis. She is a Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis.


Alan Rojas Yacolca is an energy therapist and resilience coach. He is a Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis. Growing up in a family where six relatives died of cancer, Alan experienced the impact of cancer as a loved one since the age of four. Today, he co-leads with Jannie Douma Rispens the Cancer Opportunities movement, where they empower people living with cancer to boost their health and resilience, and to live life with joy again.

Breakout #9: Money Issues

Tip the Scales and Banish the Money Monsters
Patricia Lindner

Embrace a new, empowering money narrative that aligns with your true worth. Release old stories that convinced you otherwise, and welcome a newfound confidence, letting yourself shine. In this session, Patricia will be showing you how your money monsters can tip the scale that keeps you from connecting to our own worth and preventing you from reaching money sovereignty.

Are you ready to witness the magic unfold and step into your power? Experience how Logosynthesis can make you say hello to a world where the days of an empty bucket are mere history!

Patricia Lindner is the visionary founder behind the Magnificence Movement. As a Success Architect and Mindset Maven, podcast host, and international #1 best-selling author, her mission is to guide holistic practitioners as well as creative or spiritual entrepreneurs towards extraordinary inner and outer success.

Breakout #10: Research

Efficacy of Logosynthesis to Relieve PTSD and Trauma Symptoms
Dr. Natasha Jones and Dr. Malou Salanguit

Logosynthesis is being used internationally to offer individuals immediate and sustained relief from distressing memories and negative cognitions of traumatic experiences. In this presentation, two researchers will share their learnings about the efficacy of Logosynthesis as a treatment for traumatic memories and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Dr. Natasha Jones is a Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis. She has over fifteen years experience working in mental health and conducted research about the efficacy of Logosynthesis as part of her Doctoral Dissertation. Her research is titled "A New Approach to Healing Traumatic Memories: Using Logosynthesis to Resolve Subjective Units of Distress Related to Intimate Partner Violence".

Dr. Malou Salanguit is an Opthalmogist and Practitioner in Logosynthesis. She conducted and published peer-reviewed research about the efficacy of Logosynthesis as part of her Masters in Clinical Psychology. Her study is titled "“Efficacy of Logosynthesis in Reducing PTSD Symptoms and Distress among Adults with Adverse Childhood Experiences” 

18:45 CET - 18:55 CET  
- Break -

18:55 CET - 19:00 CET  
Welcome Back & Transition to Breakout Rooms

19:00 CET - 19:30 CET  

(You will choose 1 of 5 concurrent sessions)

Breakout #11: Adapting to Life

Adapting to Limitations in Functioning from Injury, Aging or Burnout.
Phillippe Isler

Many people struggle to adapt changes in their functional capacity – limitations - compared to what they used to be able to do, that cause them a significant amount of stress and suffering. These changes can be caused by physical injury, illness, burnout / adrenal fatigue, and/or aging. People experience these changes, these limitations, as a loss and suffer a great deal of emotional and psychological stress. Approaching this as grieving a loss, Logosynthesis is an invaluable tool to help people move away from being in conflict with themselves and with reality, and with their attachments to ideas and beliefs about themselves and their lives, and move towards a healthy adjustment, harmony and alignment with themselves.

Phillippe Isler

Philippe Isler is a licensed psychologist with over 25 years experience in private practice, and a certified Master Practitioner and Logosynthesis Trainer. He has been using Logosynthesis as an integral part of his practice for almost 15 years.

Breakout #12: Facing Fear

Increasing Inner Freedom Using Logosynthesis
Karin Athanasiou

True freedom can only ever be inner freedom. If you have a fear of failure, confrontation or abandonment, you will likely avoid certain situations in life that trigger that fear. By avoiding those situations, you might feel free for a while. However, true freedom can only arise when a person is able to choose to act, confront, or face rejection because they can regulate their fear. Generally, inner freedom arises when a person is able to pause between stimulus and response because and consciously choose the next best step for a given situation.

In this presentation, you will learn how Logosynthesis offers a powerful method that helps you increase your inner freedom. You will also participate in a live demonstration where you can work on a trigger of your own and experience the effects of Logosynthesis.

Karin Athanasiou

Karin Athanasiou is lic.phil. I in English Literature, Religious Sciences and Philosophy. Integral Coach, Practitioner and Instructor Logosynthesis. Teacher and trainer in business contexts and commercial schools. Trainer at Coaching Institute Living Sense.

Breakout #13: Goal Setting

Resolving energy blocks with Logosynthesis
Heather Day

How can we clear the way of our life path and move forward with more ease and flow? To do this means identifying where we are stuck and exploring what is holding us back. As a coach, Heather uses mapping combined with Logosynthesis to explore what is getting in the way of our goals and life aspirations. Resolving frozen energy enables our goals to be reached and new goals to emerge when the path ahead has been cleared.


In this presentation, Heather will demonstrate how to use a simple mapping technique and how to apply the Logosynthesis sentences. During the session you will be able to try this out for yourself with your own issue.


Heather Day is a Logosynthesis Trainer, Master Practitioner and Coach. Her professional background is in Psychology and Education. Heather has 30 years experience of working in the public sector and runs her own coaching consultancy offering coaching to individuals and managers and leaders in organizations. 

Breakout #14: Limiting Beliefs

Dissolve Limiting Beliefs and Shape Your Future
Regina Thiergardt

Learn how beliefs shape your self-perception, what you think is possible, and what you can achieve. Explore your limiting beliefs and understand how they can hinder your personal growth. Experience a live demonstration of how to dissolve limiting beliefs with Logosynthesis.

Regina Thiergardt

Regina Thiergardt is an executive and leadership coach who specializes in guiding clients through change using Logosynthesis. She helps individuals and leaders in organizations identify and achieve their full potential, live their unique vision, and enhance their leadership abilities. Having spent close to two decades in the Pharmaceutical Industry before transitioning to Executive Search and Outplacement for an additional decade, she is well-versed in leadership & guiding change.

Breakout #15: Workplace Stress

Manage stress at work in a new way.
Silja Höfer

In this presentation you will learn to see trouble with challenging people at work as an opportunity for personal development. You will be offered a real-life example of using Logosynthesis to resolve issues with dealing with a challenging person.

Silja Höfer

Silja Höfer is a Mindset and Business Coach and Consultant. She is a Human Resource Professional, with experience in international corporations. She has training in numerous coaching practices, including: Systemic Coach; The Bernhardt Method and The Emotion Code. Silja is Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis.

19:30 CET - 19:40 CET  
- NEWS! Formation of a new Research Institute and creation of a multicenter Research Project -

Tonja Bruckhaus

Announcement: Institute for Integrative Psychosocial Models in Care Research (IPMV)

Tonja Bruckhaus

Tonja Bruckhaus and Martina Kretschmann are founding directors of IPMV, a non-profit organization committed to promoting evidence-based research on the effectiveness of psychosocial models, specifically Logosynthesis, in healthcare. Tonja is an Entrepreneur and Leadership Coach and the author of leadership book called 'Führen aus der Essenz' (Leading from Essence)

Suzanne von Blumenthal

News: Logosynthesis Research: Multicenter Research Project on ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Dr. Suzanne von Blumenthal

Dr. Suzanne von Blumenthal is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist who is pioneering the application of Logosynthesis as a psychotherapeutic model in a clinical setting. Suzanne has written numerous articles and conducted a pilot study into the Efficacy of Logosynthesis in the treatment of depression , with the results being presented in a poster to the Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Suzanne is leading the Institute of Logosynthesis Switzerland and provides Logosynthesis training.


19:40 CET - 19:45 CET  
- Closing Remarks -

19:45 CET - 20:00 CET  
- Celebrate Logosynthesis' 18th birthday with a toast in language of your choice -

Social time along with an opportunity for discussion and questions.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an inspiring day of learning and sharing!

Join us for Logosynthesis Day 2024 on January 11, 2024.

(Live, online via Zoom, English, Free)

Event has passed.

Logosynthesis International Association (LIA)

The Logosynthesis International Association (LIA) is responsible for the quality and development of Logosynthesis®.
Follow our Facebook page and get in touch to see how we can support your personal and professional development.

Contact LIA
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Heike Rudolf von Rohr

LIA - President

Ernst Aebi

LIA - Executive Director

Anna-Maria Limbach

Anna-Maria Limbach

LIA - Office Administration

Logosynthesis Day 2024 Organizing Committee

The LIA Communications & Community Building Committee has a passion to bring together the international community for a day of learning, sharing and celebrating all that Logosynthesis offers.

Cathy Caswell Logosynthesis

To view prior
Logosynthesis® Day presentations, c
heck out our YouTube Playlist.