Caring for Body, Mind & Spirit with Logosynthesis®

January 11, 2025 | Online via Zoom
Free registration | Open to all

Presentations in English, German, French & Italian

This event has passed. You can watch the recordings in this link.

We're inviting you to experience what Logosynthesis® can offer you
personally & professionally.

January 11, 2025 | 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm CET

Live, online via Zoom (English)

Registration is free.

We welcome all interested individuals, regardless of professional designation or experience with Logosynthesis®.

Can't attend the live event? Register to receive the link to recordings post-conference.
Note: For any registration questions, contact Cathy at

Check your time zone here

Conference Agenda

Logosynthesis® Day 2025
Saturday, January 11, 2025
5-8pm CET (Zurich)

5:00-5:15pm: Welcome & Introductions

5:15-6:00pm Logosynthesis® in Action: Part 1
(Concurrent Sessions; You will choose 1 of 8)

-Time & Logosynthesis®: From Lack to Abundance
-Revolutionizing Emotional Regulation: How Logosynthesis®️ Creates Faster, Deeper, and Lasting Change
-Dissolve Blocks, Win more Clients: Enhance you Business with Logosynthesis®
-Logosynthesis® to Hel
p Set Healthy Boundaries

-Brennen statt ausbrennen – lebe dein inneres Feuer, ohne zu verglühen
-Logosynthese® & das Schwarze Loch: Dissoziationen auf physischer, mentaler & spiritueller Ebene

-Transformer souvenirs et croyances pour faire ce que vous aimez


-La bellezza di Essere Me

6:00-6:10pm Break & Transition

6:10-6:40pm Caring For Body, Mind & Spirit with Logosynthesis®:
Insights from Dr. Willem Lammers

6:40-6:50 Next Steps with Logosynthesis®

6:50-6:55 Transition

6:55-7:40pm Logosynthesis® in Action: Part 2
(Concurrent Sessions; You will choose 1 of 9)

-An Introduction to Logosynthesis® to Care for Body, Mind & Spirit
-Resolving Adverse Childhood Experiences with Logosynthesis®
-Logosynthesis® and Expanded Abilities Demonstration
-Healing and Logosynthesis® - Forgiveness

-Eine Körper-Selbstheilungsblockade mit Logosynthese® lösen
-Tschüss, Glaubenssatz-Monster, Hallo Freiheit und Leichtigkeit

-Wie Mobbing dein Erwachsenenleben prägt – Mit Logosynthese® Spuren der Schulzeit lösen

-Utiliser Logosynt
hèse® pour aider à établir des limites saines


-Trasformare ricordi e convinzioni per fare ciò che ami

7:40-7:50pm Closing

7:50-8:00pm Meet & Greet in Breakout Rooms
(You will choose your preferred language)

Keynote Presentation

Caring for Body, Mind & Spirit with Logosynthesis®

Dr. Willem Lammers

6:10 - 6:40pm CET  

Discover how Logosynthesis offers an elegant model to care for body, mind AND spirit!
Join us as Dr. Willem Lammers, the founder of Logosynthesis, shares his insights in an engaging interview with Cathy Caswell.
You will gain a deeper understanding of how Logosynthesis offers an integrative approach to support both healing and personal growth.
You will appreciate how the philosophy and techniques of Logosynthesis allow you to unlock your potential using the power of your words.

By fully embracing your human experience, you can support physical, mental and spiritual aspects of health through healing and development,

2025 marks the 20th Anniversary of Logosynthesis. Don't miss this opportunity to hear directly from Willem about the continuing evolution of Logosynthesis and how it can support us in both our individual and communal challenges.

Willem Lammers

is the founder of Logosynthesis®. With a 40+ year career as clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and trainer, he created this model to offer professionals in guided change an enhanced approach to healing and development and to empower individuals in their work and life.

Willem has authored twelve books about Logosynthesis to provide readers with a deeper appreciation for the scope and depth of transformation that is possible when working with this model.

Amazon or Smashwords

YouTube: The Origin of Logosynthesis®



(You will choose 1 of the following 8 sessions.
Recordings of all sessions will be available post conference.)

5:15 - 6:00pm CET  

Time & Logosynthesis®: From Lack to Abundance

Dr. med. Suzanne von Blumenthal

Time shapes every aspect of our lives—from daily routines and long-term transitions to our connection with something timeless and eternal. In this program, we’ll explore how our beliefs and patterns around time can create limitations and how Logosynthesis® offers a powerful approach to release these blocks. Through a guided exercise, you'll explore a pattern, belief or energy block that is limiting you in your life.

This presentation will focus on 3 key areas relating to time:
1.Time in daily life: Beliefs, representations and limitations and the dissociations model of Logosynthesis.
2. Time in life span: A focus on beginning, ending and letting go.
3. Time and eternity: Exploring time and Essence.

This presentation will guide you to discover how to navigate time with greater ease, freedom, and alignment with your true Essence.

Dr. med. Suzanne von Blumenthal

Specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, over 30 years of experience in this field with individual clients and groups, 22 years of organizational experience as chief physician and clinical management. Director of the Logosynthesis Institute of Switzerland for the past 8 years, providing Logosynthesis training and professional workshops and training courses like psycho-social counselling and psychotherapy with a professional Logosynthesis trainer team. Member of LIA board of trustees for 10 years.

Institute für Logosynthese® Schweiz:

Revolutionizing Emotional Regulation: How Logosynthesis®️ Creates Faster, Deeper, and Lasting Change

Alan Rojas Yacolca

Are you finding that traditional approaches to emotional regulation with your clients often fall short—managing symptoms but rarely resolving the root causes? In this engaging and practical session, designed for psychotherapists, counselors, and coaches, we’ll explore the limitations of traditional therapy in addressing emotional regulation and uncover how Logosynthesis offers a transformative solution.
Discover how this innovative approach works faster and deeper to neutralize the triggers that drive emotional dysregulation, helping clients release the patterns that keep them stuck, regain clarity, and achieve lasting balance. You’ll gain insights into the gaps Logosynthesis fills in traditional models, experience its impact firsthand through a live group exercise, and have the opportunity to ask questions about its application in your practice.

If you’re ready to explore a powerful tool that creates meaningful, lasting change for your clients—and for yourself—join this session and take the first step in transforming the way you approach emotional regulation.

Alan Rojas Yacolca
Director of the Andes Institute, where we specialize in training therapists, counselors, and coaches in the transformative approach of Logosynthesis®️. As a Logosynthesis Practitioner and Instructor, Alan leads the institute in its mission to provide high-quality training that equips professionals to address emotional, cognitive, and relational challenges with confidence and precision.

At the Andes Institute, we empower helping professionals to master Logosynthesis and integrate it seamlessly into their practices, enabling them to create meaningful and lasting change for their clients.


Dissolve Blocks, Win more Clients: Enhance you Business with Logosynthesis®

Franziska Brandt-Biesler

Discover the Synergies between Sales and Logosynthesis in this 45-minute workshop!

Designed for independent coaches, therapists, and consultants, this session offers an introduction to merging sales techniques with Logosynthesis®️. We'll explore key concepts and engage in practical exercises to start dissolving your first blocks. Get ready to expore your own way of connecting with clients and sharing your expertise authentically.

Franziska Brandt-Biesler

Franziska Brandt-Biesler

A sales trainer with over 25 years of experience and the author of three books on successful selling. She helps self-employed coaches, consultants, and therapists present their services compellingly and attract clients.

As a Logosynthesis®️ Master Practitioner and Instructor, she combines sales expertise with Logosynthesis to help overcome barriers and achieve success.

Logosynthesis® to Help Set Healthy Boundaries

Giulia Bavagnoli

Does it happen to you to say YES, when you really would like to say NO?

Or to take on yet another task, when you are already too busy?

Or to accept what deeply you know is not what you want? Or to postpone again the much needed rest?

You see where I am going with these questions. Often we struggle with setting boundaries (even with ourselves), and we feel bound to satisfy certain people's needs before our own or even against our own balance. This is an adaptation strategy we put in place in our earlier life, and that can become extremely detrimental. Why? Because we dissipate our energy in ways that don't participate in our wellbeing. Logosynthesis can help us transform these patterns and naturally set healthy boundaries for a balanced and satisfying life.

Giulia Bavagnoli

Giulia Bavagnoli
Counselor and trainer. Starting with NLP, I built up my knowledge and expertise in systemic therapy, energy healing and integrative therapy. My passion is in deep transformation and guidance during transition times, where we are given the opportunity to come closer to who we really are.

Brennen statt ausbrennen – lebe dein inneres Feuer, ohne zu verglühen

Monika Koller-Schinca & Regina Thiergardt


Stress braucht unglaublich viel Energie und schadet unserem Körper. Wenn du lernst, dein inneres Feuer zu entfachen, bist du leistungsfähig, ohne dich dabei zu verzehren. Die Logosynthese unterstützt dich auf diesem Weg, löst blockierende Muster und Überzeugungen auf und bringt deine Energie wieder in Fluss. So kannst du mit Freude leben und arbeiten ohne auszubrennen. Erfahre, wie Logosynthese dir Schritt für Schritt hilft, voller Leidenschaft zu brennen.

Monika Koller-Schinca & Regina Thiergardt

Monika Koller Schinca
Logosynthese Trainerin und Supervisorin. Sie begleitet Menschen zu "Mehr Energie im Alltag", indem sie Menschen als Kursleiterin oder Coach lehrt, wie sie blockierte Energie wieder in Fluss bringen. Begeistert von der effizienten und effektiven Wirkungsweise der Logosynthese, arbeitet sie seit 2019 im Vorstand der LIA (Logosynthesis International Association) mit.

Regina Thiergardt
Logosynthese-Practitioner und Instructor, begleitet Menschen und Führungskräfte dabei, ihr volles Potential zu entfalten und mit mehr Klarheit, Fokus und Selbstvertrauen zu leben und zu führen. Mit fast 20 Jahren Führungserfahrung in der Pharmaindustrie und einem weiteren Jahrzehnt im Executive Search und Outplacement verbindet sie fundiertes Fachwissen mit einem tiefen Verständnis für persönliche und berufliche Transformation.

Logosynthese® und das Schwarze Loch – Dissoziationen auf physischer, mentaler und spiritueller Ebene

Mathias Egger


In dieser Präsentation lernen Sie Dissoziationen im Rahmen der Logosynthese-Theorie kennen. Es wird der Tanz des freien Selbst in Verbindung mit Essenz und Matrix skizziert sowie eine Untersuchung von Schwarzen Löchern im Coaching-Prozess vorgestellt.

Mathias Egger
Master of Science in Klinischer Psychologie (MSc) und Master of Advanced Studies in Kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin (MAS), zugelassener Psychotherapeut in der Schweiz, Master-Praktiker und Trainer in Logosynthese®.

De retour en selle avec la Logosynthèse®: Transformer souvenirs et croyances pour faire ce que vous aimez

Myriam Nordemann


À partir de mon expérience aux côtés de cyclistes professionnels, je partagerai comment, grâce à la Logosynthèse, il est possible de dépasser les croyances limitantes, de libérer les souvenirs bloquants et de surmonter les peurs qui entravent notre plein épanouissement. Ce cheminement intérieur permet non seulement de retrouver le plaisir dans nos passions, mais aussi de s’accomplir véritablement. Que le cyclisme soit votre passion ou non, cet atelier explore des outils pour se libérer et vivre pleinement ce que l’on aime.

Myriam Nordemann

Myriam Nordemann
est praticienne de niveau Master en Logosynthèse et psychopraticienne. Également Constellatrice familiale, elle est la créatrice des Living Maps, une approche innovante de développement personnel. Myriam est aussi l’auteure de deux ouvrages en Logosynthèse : un livre en français pour les enfants, « Willy et les petits monstres », et un livre pour adolescents, actuellement disponible en anglais, intitulé « Damn You Anxiety ». Myriam anime des groupes et vous accompagne individuellement dans votre cheminement.

La bellezza di Essere Me

Virna Trivellato


Logosintesi e’ un prezioso strumento per riconnetterti alla tua Essenza. Iniziare un percorso di auto coaching sulle tue credenze limitanti, e sugli auto giudizi negativi puo’ portarti ad esplorare e rilasciare le immagini di te che ti confinano in schemi di vita obsoleti e molto sotto il tuo potenziale. Usa Logosintesi per lasciare andare le idee preconcette su come dovresti sentire, pensare o comportarti e ritrova la bellezza di essere te.

Virna Trivellato

Virna Trivellato
Life Coach, operatrice e insegnante di eft e operatrice di svariate tecniche energetiche come Pet e Iep, nonché operatrice certificata di Logosintesi. Da anni conduce ricerche su temi come la spiritualità, i copioni di vita e le Fiamme Gemelle.

Per conoscerla meglio puoi cercarla su Facebook, su YouTube e nel sito internet:


(You will choose 1 of the following 9 live, concurrent sessions.
Recordings of all sessions will be available post conference.)

6:55 - 7:40pm CET  

An Introduction to Logosynthesis® to Care for Body, Mind & Spirit

Cathy Caswell


Stress responses are normal but you don't need to stay stuck in stressful, reactive patterns that harm your health. In this presentation, you will be introduced the key principles of Logosynthesis and identify how the model can be used to resolve distress related to physical, mental and spiritual issues. You will also be introduced to research related to the role of mental imagery in health to better understand why and how Logosynthesis works.

To experience the
Logosynthesis® Basic Procedure for yourself, you will be guided in a group exercise to address something that bothers you personally. Whether you are new to Logosynthesis® or you want to be guided using the Logosynthesis® Basic Procedure, this workshop will help develop your foundation for using the model.

Cathy Schenkels Caswell The Healthy Living Plan

Cathy Caswell
Master Practitioner & Instructor in Logosynthesis®; As a dietitian with an MBA, Cathy enjoyed a 30-year corporate career in the food industry in production, marketing and sales. In 2017, she created The Healthy Living Plan to support people struggling with stress in work & life. As an author of two books about Logosynthesis and a podcaster interviewing professionals in the community, Cathy has a passion to why & how Logosynthesis works to relieve stress, enjoy life more fully & unlock your potential in work & life.

YouTube: Interview Series and @TheHealthyLivingPlan

Podcast of Interview Series: Why Logosynthesis Works


Resolving Adverse Childhood Experiences with Logosynthesis®

Raya Williams


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)—such as childhood trauma, neglect, illness or poverty—are known to leave lasting and detrimental effects on mental, physical and spiritual health. Logosynthesis gently releases the energy associated with these past experiences, helping you and your clients resolve limiting beliefs, halt harmful generational patterns, and remove negative self-talk. Learn new ways to move past hardship and loss and towards a happier, healthier future.

Raya Williams

Raya Williams
Practitioner and Instructor Logosynthesis. BSc Psychology and Counselling, MSc Psychology

Raya is the co-author of two books with Willem Lammers:
Alone to Alive: Logosynthesis and the Energy of Beliefs and
Shaping Reality: Logosynthesis and the Courage to Create.

Logosynthesis® and Expanded Abilities Demonstration

Dr. Lori Hops


Logosynthesis allows access to Essence, freeing oneself from constraints from the Matrix. Balancing these two systems optimizes human potential. Logosynthesis is used to open blocked energy, once triggers are found. This thirty minute demonstration guides the audience to enhance their abilities for greater potential.

Lori Hops

Lori Chortkoff Hops, Ph.D., DCEP
Licensed Psychologist in California, USA. Logosynthesis Practitioner and Instructor. Former president of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.

Dr. Lori Hops website:

Healing Tips from the Heart: Intuition with Helpers, Healers, and Guides with Dr. Lori Hops

Podcast website:

Features interviews on energy practices including guests Willem Lammers, Jannie Douma, and Cathy Caswell.

Healing with Logosynthesis® - Forgiveness

Mary Leckie


To care for Body, Mind and Spirit we often need healing. Logosynthesis is a powerful model to help us to move forward from the things that hurt us and keep us stuck.  Forgiveness can be an important step on this healing journey, sometimes we need to forgive others and sometimes we need forgiveness ourselves.


Logosynthesis helps to break down and process the layers of our pain, and the memories and beliefs attached to it.  In freeing ourselves, we can then see others more clearly and pave the way for forgiveness and letting go.  When we forgive, we find that the prisoner we set free is ourselves.

Mary Leckie 2024

Mary Leckie
Counsellor; Master Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis

MA;  PgDip Counselling and Psychotherapy


Lighthouse Counselling and Psychotherapy, Edinburgh, Scotland

Eine Körper-Selbstheilungsblockade mit Logosynthese® lösen

Ulrike Scheuermann


Im Workshop trittst du in Kontakt mit einem belasteten Körperbereich und entkräftest einen Auslöser, der deine Körperselbstheilung blockiert. Zu Beginn gebe ich eine sehr kurze theoretische Einführung; und Micro-Übungen aus meinen Büchern „Self Care“ und „Immunbooster Selbstliebe“ umrahmen die zentrale Logosynthese-Übung.

Ulrike Scheuermann
Diplom-Psychologin, Master Practitioner & Trainerin in Logosynthese®, Sachbuchautorin

Ulrike hat Medizin und anschließend Psychologie studiert und ist seit 27 Jahren tätig mit Coaching, Psychotherapie, Seminaren, Aus- und Weiterbildungen zu den Themen „Ganzheitliche Gesundheit und soziale Verbundenheit“. 

Sie hat 12 Sachbücher zu psychologischen Themen publiziert.

Sie unterrichtet/leitet u.a. die komplette Ausbildung „Practitioner in Logosynthese®“ im Hybrid-Format (online oder vor Ort in Berlin).

Tschüss, Glaubenssatz-Monster, Hallo Freiheit und Leichtigkeit

Meike Schleicher


Erfahre wie du mit der Logosynthese® blockierende Glaubenssatz-Monster auflöst und mehr Leichtigkeit findest.

Ja, diese fiesen Glaubenssatz-Monster, die in unserem Unterbewusstsein hausen und verhindern, dass wir unseren eigenen Weg so gehen können, wie es für uns eigentlich richtig wäre und wie wir es uns wünschen.

Mit Glaubenssätzen wie „Ich muss etwas leisten, um geliebt zu werden“, „Ich muss hart arbeiten für meinen Erfolg“ oder „Ich bin nicht gut genug!“, ist es nahezu unmöglich, in die Leichtigkeit zu kommen. Wenn wir diese blockierenden Glaubenssätze auflösen, sind wir wieder viel freier. Wir können neue Gedanken denken, anders handeln und mehr und mehr unseren wahren Kern spüren. Nach einer kleinen Einführung zum Thema Glaubenssätze und einer kurzen Meditation, gehen wir einem deiner Glaubenssatz-Monster mit der Logosynthese® an den Kragen. 

Was du dafür brauchst: Einen Glaubenssatz, der dich blockiert oder eine kürzliche Situation, die dich belastet.

Meike Schleicher

Life Coach und Mentorin für Selbstheilung. 

2021 habe ich nach zwölf Jahren meinen Job im Marketing als Senior Brand Managerin und Führungskraft aufgegeben, um meiner Berufung als Coach nachzugehen. Seitdem begleite Menschen dabei, wieder bei sich anzukommen und sich ein Leben voller Leichtigkeit zu erschaffen - ein sinnerfülltes und glückliches Leben. Dabei räumen wir alles aus dem Weg, was nicht mehr guttut und blockiert. 

In meinen Coachings kombiniere ich systemische Ansätze, Human Design und energetische Arbeit wie die Logosynthese®. Als zertifizierter Logosynthese®-Practitioner und -Instructor fasziniert mich immer wieder die tiefgreifende Wirkung dieser Methode.

Wie Mobbing dein Erwachsenenleben prägt – Mit Logosynthese® Spuren der Schulzeit lösen

Karsten Blauel


Mobbing in der Schule hinterlässt oft Spuren, die weit über diese Zeit hinausreichen. Vielleicht bemerkst du es an Ängsten, geringem Selbstwertgefühl oder belastenden Mustern, die deinen Alltag in Beruf, Beziehungen oder Freundschaften beeinflussen. Doch das muss nicht so bleiben.

In meinem Vortrag zeige ich dir, wie die Logosynthese dabei helfen kann, blockierende Überzeugungen und Verhaltensmuster zu lösen, die auf Erfahrungen von Mobbing und Ausgrenzung in deiner Kindheit und Jugend zurückzuführen sind. Du erfährst, wie du belastende Erinnerungen loslassen und mehr Leichtigkeit in dein Leben bringen kannst. Durch praktische Beispiele und eine gemeinsame Übung kannst du direkt die Wirkung der Logosynthese erleben.

Karsten Blauel

Karsten Blauel

Berufsschullehrer, Trainer in Logosynthese, zertifizierter Traumapädagoge und Traumafachberater, Trainer in Stressmanagement und Stressreduktion. Karsten begleitet Schülerinnen, Schüler und Studierende mit Schul- und Prüfungsangst sowie Vortragsblockaden und unterstützt sie dabei, diesen wichtigen Lebensabschnitt erfolgreich zu meistern. Er bildet Fachkräfte wie Coaches, Berater, Pädagogen und Therapeuten in der Anwendung der Logosynthese aus, damit sie diese mit ihren Klienten nutzen können.

Infos zu Karstens Angeboten findest du unter

Utiliser la Logosynthèse® pour aider à poser des limites saines

Giulia Bavagnoli


Est-ce qu'il t'arrive de dire OUI alors que tu voudrais dire NON?

Ou d'accepter encore une autre tâche, alors que tu es trop occupé.e?

Ou d'accepter quelque chose que tu sais ne pas être vraiment ce que tu veux? Ou de postposer encore le repos dont tu as tant besoin?

Tu vois où je veux en venir avec ces questions. Souvent, nous avons du mal à poser des limites (même pour nous-mêmes), et nous nous sentons obligé.e.s de satisfaire les besoins de certaines personnes avant les nôtres, voire au détriment de notre propre équilibre. C’est une stratégie d’adaptation que nous avons mise en place dans notre enfance, et qui peut devenir extrêmement limitante. Pourquoi? Parce que nous dissipons notre énergie d’une manière qui ne contribue pas à notre bien-être. La Logosynthèse peut nous aider à transformer ces schémas et à établir naturellement des limites saines pour une vie équilibrée et satisfaisante.

Giulia Bavagnoli

Giulia Bavagnoli

Thérapeute et formatrice. En commençant par la PNL, j'ai développé mes connaissances et mon expertise en thérapie systémique, en guérison énergétique et en thérapie intégrative. Ma passion réside dans la transformation profonde et l'accompagnement pendant les périodes de transition, où nous avons l'opportunité de nous rapprocher de qui nous sommes réellement.

Di nuovo in sella con la Logosintesi®: Trasformare ricordi e convinzioni per fare ciò che ami

Myriam Nordemann


Partendo dalla mia esperienza con ciclisti professionisti, mostrerò come la Logosintesi possa aiutare a superare convinzioni limitanti, a liberarsi di ricordi bloccanti e a vincere le paure che ci trattengono dall’esprimere appieno le nostre passioni, qualunque esse siano. Questo percorso interiore non solo permette di riscoprire la gioia in ciò che amiamo, ma anche di raggiungere una vera realizzazione personale. Che la tua passione sia il ciclismo o qualsiasi altra attività, questa sessione offre strumenti per liberarti e vivere pienamente in armonia con ciò che è davvero importante per te.

Myriam Nordemann

Myriam Nordemann

è un'operatrice di Logosintesi di livello Master e counselor. È anche costellatrice familiare e creatrice delle Living Maps, un approccio innovativo allo sviluppo personale. Myriam è anche autrice di due libri di Logosintesi: un libro per bambini, “Willy e i piccoli mostri”, e un libro per adolescenti, attualmente disponibile in inglese, intitolato “Damn You Anxiety”. Myriam conduce gruppi e vi accompagna individualmente nel vostro percorso.

19:45 CET - 20:00 CET  
- Social Time & Networking in Breakout Rooms in Language of Choice -

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an inspiring day of learning and sharing! Join us on January 11, 2025.

(Live, online via Zoom with Free Registration)

Register now!

Logosynthesis® International Association (LIA)

The Logosynthesis® International Association (LIA) is responsible for the quality and development of Logosynthesis®.
Follow our Facebook page and get in touch to see how we can support your personal and professional development.

Contact LIA
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Heike Rudolf von Rohr

LIA - President

Monika Koller

Monika Koller Schinca

LIA - Executive Director

Anna-Maria Limbach

Anna-Maria Limbach

LIA - Office Administration

Logosynthesis® Day 2025 Organizing Committee

The LIA Communications Committee has a passion to bring together the international community for a day of learning, sharing and celebrating all that Logosynthesis® offers.

To view prior
Logosynthesis® Day presentations, c
heck out our YouTube Playlist.